Agrochemicals Business

Agrochemicals are used in agriculture to aid plant development and protection, as the name implies. Fertilizers, pesticides, and insecticides are examples of agricultural chemicals. These compounds were originally intended to assist plant and crop development and safety, but their widespread usage has now harmed the ecosystem. Agrochemicals permeate into the soil and water bodies around them, eventually entering the food chain. Excessive use of such pesticides produces a substantial number of residues, which has an influence on crops. These residues create nutritional imbalances and lower agricultural output quality. These residues have been linked to a variety of ailments. Pesticide residues in food, for example, can raise the risk of asthma in humans. Agrochemicals were developed to help farmers protect their crops from pests and increase crop yields. It is a high-priced agricultural input.

Classifications of Agrochemicals

  • Pesticides: Pesticides are chemicals or substances that are used to kill or control pests, which are plants or organisms that are damaging to farmed plants or animals. Pesticides function primarily by poisoning pests.
  • Insecticides: It’s used to get rid of bugs. Insecticides include ovicides, which are used to kill eggs, and larvicides, which are used to kill larvae. Organochlorines, organophosphates, carbamates, and pyrethroids are examples of pesticides. 

  • Herbicides: It’s used to destroy or control weeds and herbs. Gramoxone and glyphosate are two examples of herbicides. 

  • Fungicides:  It’s used to keep fungus and oomycetes at bay. Examples of fungicides include: Mankocide.

  • Algaecides: It is also known as algicides and is used to control algae. 

  • Rodenticides: It’s used to keep rodents like rats and mice from spreading. Klerat is a good example.

  • Molluscicides: It’s used to keep mollusks like snails and slugs in check. Examples: Slugit

  • Nematicides: It is used to kill or control worms. Furadan is an example.

  • Fertilizers: These are chemical compounds that aid in the growth of plants. They are used to prevent soil nutrient deficit. Organic and inorganic fertilizers are the two types of fertilizers that can be used.

  • Soil conditioners: We use soil conditioners including manure, compost, peat, cattle manures, and leaves to keep all soils in good shape. All of this is placed on top of the soil and then blended together. Soil conditioners improve the soil’s aeration and water-holding capacity.

  • Liming and acidifying agents: For optimum agricultural growth, soils might be either too acidic or too alkaline. To alter the pH of the soil in these circumstances, liming and acidifying agents are used.